Saturday, Feb.15th

from 11am to 1pm

The Open Houzn is an event that celebrates the Art of Jiu Jitsu as a means of Self-expression.

It’s a neutral zone where Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts and athletes from all places come together to roll, meet new people, and have a great time.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Black Belt or just got started on the path because belonging is the building block of our community.

Our community Open Mat takes place every *3rd Saturday of the month.


Houzn Jiu Jitsu Revolution Logo

Is a Revolution of the Mind in proclamation of one’s LOVE for Life.

It’s a movement of Jiu Jitsu athletes and hobbyists from all walks of life coming together on a mission to unleash their inner potential.

On the mat we roll in celebration of those who came before us, the thinkers, the creators.

Men and Women who exercised to the fullest their ability to think; who chose to give IN to the potential of their own mind rather than give UP.

Men and Women who had the courage to push boundaries, pursue their vision and hold themselves accountable to their own truth in spite of pushbacks.

Men and Women who inspired us to think independently.

In this Revolution we must understand the principle of Independence.

A principle based on a man’s individuality, on his right to pursue his own happiness without demanding the sacrifice of others.

More than ever, we must understand that a man’s vision, strength, and courage comes from his own spirit ─ his consciousness ─ which is his Self and cannot be shared with another man.